Friday, September 2, 2011

Grammy's Surprise

Just as my mom was leaving on Tuesday, she said, "Oh, by the way, look for a package to arrive for Finley by the end of the week.  I just couldn't resist!"  That Grammy, she knows just how to please us, I love mail and Finley loves presents (and boxes).

The big box was delivered while Finley was napping on Thursday (thankfully I managed to open to the door to the UPS guy just as he was reaching for the doorbell) and I couldn't imagine what it could be.  But I cut through the tape on the top and waited for Finley to wake up, such self control!!  I coaxed him out of his post-nap haze by telling him Grammy had sent a special surprise.  Sadly, he expected to see Grammy in the living room (my bad) but I showed him the box and asked him to open it.
 He knew just what it was!
 The farm train he had played with at the bookstore with Grammy and me earlier in the week!  The one he'd pushed around in its plastic for some time!
 Time to take it for a test drive!
 I offered to take the plastic off and he got upset, thinking I was going to ruin it or something.  But he helped me pull it off and remove the box underneath.  Then the fun really began--it has a cow, milk jugs, and crates of fruits and veggies that you can take out.
He was holding both milk jugs and then ran into the playroom to get a cup to pour the milk into, of course, and then came back to keep playing with his new treasure.
I said, "Finley, what do we say to Grammy for this train?"  He said, "Tank-oo.  Welcome." That about says it all, Grammy, we love it!

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