Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Big Snow

We're pretty sure that Wednesday's snowstorm is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, of our Boston lives. That means it was certainly the most snow Finley's ever seen. Finley and I both had official snow days on Wednesday and since Dan couldn't get out of the driveway let alone down the street at 6am, he got a snow day, too.

Sadly, Finley didn't get the memo about sleeping in on snowdays so he was up and at it around 6am. Luckily, he was in great spirits and had his own plans for how to spend the day.
Ha ha, nice try buddy. I suggested an alternative and he obliged for me a few moments.
The snow continued to fall so Dan waited to shovel/snowblow until Finley went down for nap number two around 1pm. Sadly, he hadn't gotten very far when one of the tires on the blower became noticeably flat. Long story short, our neighbor came to the rescue! When Finley got up, Dan had plowed the upper part of our driveway so I suited Finley up in the boots and pants he'd been handed down from families in my class and we headed out.
Sorry, Finley, but Owly can't go out into the snow. We traded Owly for a wooden spoon and made our way downstairs.
Clearly, he wasn't quite sure about the world of white in front of him. We tried to coax him out, but eventually caved and just grabbed him. Sadly, his spoon fell in the process.
He slowly, and I mean slowly, made his way over to it but wouldn't bend over to get it. What a chicken! Oh and I should mentioned, I really tried to get his mittens on but to no avail.
With his trusty spoon in hand, he began to explore.
When thought he was finally beginning to enjoy himself out there and I put him back down on the driveway, but again he froze up (pardon the pun). He kept looking at his feet and all the snow around them. We tried to entice him by putting his spoon a few yards away. No dice. Dan tried to help him along.
Oh, so close!
Wait, maybe I should be heading for the garage instead, he thought.
Hooray! That was just about enough of the fun, so we went back in so Dan could continue working on the driveway. After stripping him out of all his snow gear, I wasn't sure how we'd spend the remaining hours of the day trapped inside. Ah ha, a Hanukkah gift that we'd stashed away for just such an occasion! Thank you, Julie, Matt, Maggie, and Harrison!
All in all, not a bad snow day (aside from the early morning wake up, flat snowblower tire, and being stuck at home...wait...). This snow will be around for a while, perhaps when it's not blowing all around, Finley will enjoy himself more. And maybe, just maybe, he'll let me put his mittens on!

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