At Finley's day care (Beth's), there's a little dog named Baby. Finley LOVES Baby and she will always cheer him up if he's a little grumpy. Dan and I are anti-dog since Dan's allergic and neither of us care too much for the four-legged barking machines, so it's nice that Finley gets his dog dosage when we're not around. While Dan's also allergic to cats (yes, I knew this before we tied the knot), I LOVE cats and it seems that Finley does, too. He's met a few kitties here and there in his first year, but this was the most time he'd spend with any. My parents have two cats, Lenny and Rory. Finley would spot them across the room and toddle over while shrieking with joy. It's a shriek that I had never heard before and continued to hear all week whenever Finley and one of the cats were in the same room. Adorable!
Can't you just imagine what Rory is saying to me with this stare?

All in all, he was fairly kind to these furballs. He pulled their fur and tails the first day, but then gave that up and simply enjoyed following them around more than anything else. He would get close to them but then never do much, it seems the thrill of the chase was all he was after.
The funniest thing was on the drive home (yes, we got snowed out of Boston and decided to rent a car and drive home instead), we were looking at one of his new books that had a photograph of a cat and Finley made the same cat shriek he'd been making at my parents' house. Hysterical! The photograph of the cat looked nothing like my parents two felines, but I guess he did some generalizing :) What a genius!
There are certainly no pet cats in Finley's future, but it's nice to know how much he'll enjoy visiting them at his grandparents house for years to come.
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