Sunday, January 10, 2010

Almost 8 weeks old

The past week or so, Finley began to be slightly more interested in stuff other than his parents. We learned how important it is to promote visual tracking using black and white images (babies see high contrast the best these days) and how we need to stimulate him without OVERstimulating him...a delicate balance, apparently.

He's become more entertained by hanging out in his bouncy seat (a gift from some Texas friends) but he is surprisingly more interested in the green turtle there as opposed to the high contrast penguin on the other side! What do those baby neurologists know anyways?

Now that he enjoys being flat on his back more, he thinks his playmat is pretty fun. We think he likes the bunny shaped rattle the best (but we are bunny-biased), though this morning he was finally locking eyes with the cow that has a mirror on his belly.

My beloved nursing pillow, the Boppy, is also good for elevated tummy time. Finley seems to have pretty advanced head control for a nearly 8 week old (who has been doing this for a couple weeks). Not only is this good for his neck muscles, but also pretty awesome for photo ops!

My best friend from high school, Kate, came to stay with us for three days this past week and Finley enjoyed his time with her--though not as much as I did :) It never ceases to amaze me how she and I reconnect in seconds after being apart for such a long time, a sign of true, long lasting friendship. It was awesome to have another adult around at home with us this week. I think it is good for Finley to be held, soothed, and fascinated by people other than his parents!

While this isn't "play" perhaps, we are pleased to find that Finley is often happiest just hanging out on his changing table. Who'd a thunk it? He still doesn't love being changed, but more and more he is just relaxed and happily looking around afterwards. Now we keep a couple toys nearby so we can have some fun while he's laying there. He's holding onto his o-ball here (a gift from our friends Moira and Ryan). It's neat how he can grasp small, thin stuff now. Not to mention he's occasionally been sucking his knuckles or thumb (since he won't take a pacifier, we're pretty excited).

I don't know why this is's been fun to see what attracts Finley's attention: his black and white squirrel flashcard (for real!), ceiling fans, that green turtle, staring outside our living room window...and it will be interesting to see how these preferences change and develop in the coming weeks and months :)

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