Monday, November 3, 2014

Dagny in all her GLORY

Well into the age of 2, Dagny has really become a force to be reckoned with...and also quite the little creative genius.  She makes fun out of most anything and genuinely loves doing just about anything (as long as one of us isn't too far).

Exhibit A: Turning blue sidewalk chalk into a paste using a "stream" of water from a drained hose on the driveway.
 She was in heaven and totally impressed with herself...and that blue just would not wash off!
 She has her own fashion sense, always looking for that perfect accessory.

Dagny LOVES stuffed animals, the bigger the better.  Thank goodness we did not have to leave the store with this toddler sized penguin!
But a small stuffed animal is no less lovable in Dagny's eyes.
She loves taking care of her stuffed animals (feeding them, changing them, reading them books, etc.) but has lately become interested in building things for them like she did in the basement last week.
 And who doesn't love to get free samples while shopping?
Dagny got an early Hanukkah book in the mail this week and has really enjoyed reading it to herself.

 Have you noticed what color Dagny is wearing in most of these photos? Blue. We're pretty sure she's settled on it as her favorite color and by no coincidence, her favorite shirt is her blue Eli Manning Giants Jersey.  She wears it to bed, to school, and everywhere in between.

And don't think we've forgotten about Dagny's big brother, Finley is almost five (gulp!) and while he doesn't stop to pose for photos as much anymore - I am able to snap a gem like this one every once in a while!

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