Friday, August 1, 2014

And now in this corner...

Finley and Dagny have been playing together more and more these days, particularly in the basement.  They like to set up obstacle courses, race their ride on cars, and jump on the old couch after taking all the cushions off.  This is all good, clean, and safe fun.  But earlier this week, they decide they wanted to wrestle and I held myself back from breaking it up since I'm pretty sure siblings are supposed to roughhouse with each other.  I decided to just give gentle reminders about what not to do (don't pull necks on shirts, watch out for Dagny's head, etc.) and take photos instead.

It was pretty hysterical watching them try to put each other "in the junction"- whatever that meant.  Finley was trying to be so careful with his sister that he took the brunt of most of the play fighting.  Dagny was relentless and Finley did his best to defend himself without injuring his not-so-delicate sister.
 It all ended with Dagny tripping while chasing Finley (who had finally broken free of her clutches) and there were some tears, but Finley helped her up and hugged her until she pushed him off and yelled, "get in the junction, Finley!"  All's well that end's well!

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