Sunday, February 16, 2014

Dagny, Dagny, Dagny

Dagny is nearly 20 months and really coming into her own.  She is constantly chit-chatting and her vocabulary is astounding, but what's more impressive is how well she makes herself understood to anyone who will listen.  We get a real kick listening to her and Finley talk because they are really able to have a back and forth now and both seem more than willing to put in the effort to figure out what the other is saying.  The funniest part is that Finley always using his "Dagny voice" when talking to his little sister, it's a little higher pitched than his regular voice and super endearing with a mix of grown up words and toddler lingo.  I haven't been able to capture it on video, but here's one of Dagny inviting her big bro to dance with her (with somewhat disappointing results) that is rather comical! 
She's determined :)
She LOVES stuffed animals -- particularly penguins, dogs, and most recently--"ki-cats" aka kitty cats.  At a toy store last week, she really went to town.
I was so proud of her that when it was time to go, she willingly put all the cats back on the same shelf she removed them from when it was time to go and simply waved, "bye, bye, ki-cats.  see you next time."

She's watched her brother play with trucks for a while now and has found a similar love of scooping and moving our "rubble" around using cups, trucks, garbage cans, or whatever else can hold all these little stones.

 At the discovery museum, she proved much heartier than her big brother, though.  At the water table, she completed soaked her shirt and I didn't have a spare.  She walked over pointing to it saying, "all wet, mommy" and I picked her up and said that it was alright, it would dry.  She said, "dry now?" and I  assured her that it would dry but not until later.  She asked to get down and went right back to the water!
 She is certainly living up to her namesake, Dagny Taggart, thus far and we are pleased (and somewhat concerned for the teenage years) at her independence, headstrong nature, and superior toddler intellect!

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