Sunday, May 12, 2013

Forseters in 2013 and beyond

Hello dedicated followers, just a few life updates for those that we don't get to speak with as often:

1. Dan has officially retired from competitive ultimate, saying farewell to his Ironside teammates and wishing them well.  He'll still coach Tufts and is going to play some summer league disc with a local team, but it certainly won't be the same and while I appreciate how much more he'll be around--I know we'll have to find him a new competitive outlet!

2. With my current long-term subbing position coming to an end in June, I have been on the job hunt and I am proud (and relieved) to announce that I have accepted an offer to be the newest Kindergarten teacher at the Alcott School which is in the lovely, neighboring town of Concord.  Here's their website:
I'm so excited to have a new position that will truly be mine and that I will still be so close to home.  After all the job changes and such since Finley's arrival back in 2009, this new path makes me feel like it was all worth it and meant to be!

3. We are finalizing the paperwork for Finley and Dagny to attend the local temple's preschool, Congregation Beth Elohim's Early Learning Center (CBE ELC), starting in the fall. Finley will begin just before Labor Day, but Dagny will have to wait until October or November since the youngest kids can be 15 months and Dagny won't be 15 months until October.  Both kids will stay where they are now through the summer and then Finley will switch at the end of August and Dagny later in the fall.  That will mean two different drop offs and pick ups for me for a while, but we'll manage.  We've been very happy were they are and it will be sad to say goodbye, but we are excited about adding the Jewish cultural and religious aspects to their early education and becoming part of an active family network within the school/temple.

1 comment:

  1. Exciting all around! Congratulations you on your new job :)
