Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dagny, 9 months and counting!

We finally had Dagny's 9 month check up after a couple rescheduling situations.  And due to having 17 million things to do the same afternoon, Dan came home early to help shuffle everyone around.

I left school early for an interview and Dan left work very early to get the kids and take them to the gym for Finley's 4pm class.  Then, we met up at the doctor's office for Dagny's appointment before Finley and I had to take off for my school's open house.  Phew.  We somehow managed to make it all happen!

Dagny was all smiles for the doctor and was extremely chatty during most of the appointment.  She's usually her most talkative first thing in the morning so I was taken aback how verbal she was and the doctor was impressed.  I suspect it had something to do with the fact that Finley was bopping around the exam room keeping her entertained and the to of them were trying to have a conversation!

Dagny weighed in at 20 lbs 4.6 oz and measured 28.25 in long.  That put her in the 70th percentile for both which was a change from 6 months when her weight was nearing the 90th!! All that crawling and moving has changed her profile quite a bit.  We told the doctor how Dagny started crawling and pulling up in the same week (about a month ago) and that she has even learned how to climb a few stairs already.  She can clap, pick up all sorts of food, drink from a sippy cup, and take a bath in the big tub now.  We explained how she loves to see herself in the mirror, read (and/or eat) books, and going in the baby swings at the playground.  Her verbal skills spoke for themselves and we also talked about how we have been successfully transitioning Dagny onto a formula and breastmilk combination. Sleeping news wasn't much to report aside from the fact that Dan has now put her to bed a couple of times and that her weekend naps are often EPIC.

Sadly, Dagny had yet another pair of ear infections so we back onto antibiotics she goes.  The bright spot being she couldn't have her shots due to the meds, lucky girl.  If her ears don't clear or get reinfected now that winter is over, we may have to talk about tubes...but the doctor didn't seem too worried.  We scheduled her one year check up for July and headed out: Dan to CVS to get the meds with Dagny and Finley and I off to my school.  What a day!

Wasn't able to snap any doctor's office photos, but here is the dynamic duo this week as we took a walk in their red wagon.  A little blurry, but two smiles is pretty good!

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