Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Hanukkah 2012

Finley was thrilled to take out all our Hanukkah stuff this year.  I'm pretty sure he remembers celebrating Hanukkah last year, but this year he really "got" it and enjoyed lighting candles, saying prayers, eating gelt, and opening lots of presents.

His wooden Hanukkah set entertained him just as well as it did when he opened it last year, he just loves pretend play and having his own sized things.
All of Finley and Dagny's grandparents sent Hanukkah gifts and it was tough to keep up with them all! So much for one present on each of the eight nights...ha!  I didn't document much past the first night of gifts, but both kids got some wonderful things.
One of the biggest hits was a cardboard playhouse from GG and Grandpa that was immediately "built" in the basement.
Finley loved seeing it put together and after seeing that the house had a mail slot, grabbed his pretend felt mail and deemed his house a post office.
 Dagny got some nice PJs, books, and toys.  She was thrilled!
 This was the first year that Finley asked a lot about Christmas versus Hanukkah and he seemed to understand that different families celebrate different holidays.  He was pleased that we celebrate Hanukkah but also interested in going to his Grammy's house to do Christmas.  The only thing that disappointed him was that we didn't have "lights on our roof" like other houses have.  I explained that those are Christmas lights and those families celebrate Christmas--we just put our electric menorah in our window.  He tolerated that explanation but said "maybe next time we can put lights up."  At school, they did lots of holiday stuff (books, crafts, etc.) and his teacher told me that when they made their big paper menorah to put on the door (next to the Christmas tree) that Finley told everyone about the candle in the middle and how it gets to light all the other ones (the shamash!).  Finley is proud to be Jewish and that makes us smile :)

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