Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year, Finley!

With no babysitter in sight, we had resigned ourselves to having a quiet New Year's Eve at home this year.  However, while Finley was napping on Saturday afternoon we decided that perhaps we should venture downtown with the little guy to see all the free First Night attractions on the Common.  So when he woke up, we quickly got ourselves ready and headed to the subway station.  Finley was pumped to go on the train and we couldn't get there fast enough!  We got on the red line and we joked that we could just ride around on the subway and then go home and Finley would have thought that was an awesome way to ring in the new year.  
We happened to have chosen the car that the "conductor" was in and that thrilled our little train buff.  He liked seeing other trains fly by us and as we left each station on our way to Park Street, he would tell us that the train was "puffing away" (a phrase he no doubt picked up from watching Thomas).
Going above ground and over the Charles River was a highlight, too bad it was dark, but he got the idea.

We got to Park Street and hauled Finley (me) and his stroller (Dan) up some serious stairs.  As soon as we got outside, the New Year's Eve spirit was in full swing.  People everywhere, food carts, flashing 2012 glasses and sparklers!  We had debated whether or not to bring the stroller, but were very happy to have Finley safely strapped in as we navigated the mob scene.  We decided to walk around the park instead of through it to start, but that was after we made a pit stop to check out a couple of fire trucks that were parked nearby inspecting a building whose fire alarm was going off.  We could've gone home after that as far as Finley was concerned: train ride + flashing lights on two fire trucks = best night of his life.  But we pushed on...

After passing a few glowing stands, we decided to get Finley a special New Year's novelty and he was thrilled with his new "flashlight." 
He proudly waved it around saying "Happy New Year" as we strolled along.  
It kept him quite happy, especially when he discovered there was a button that he could push to turn it off and then back on again.  $5 well spent!

After walking for a while, we noticed that people were already lining up for the parade and large numbers of people at that.  We had never seen the parade in all our years in Boston and wondered if it was something worth waiting around for.  So we decided to claim a spot on the curb and wait for it.  
 Finley bounced from the curb with me to running around on the sidewalk with Dan, having snacks, and looking for more mounted police ("More horses now, Mommy?").  We probably hung out for thirty minutes or so and with just a few police cars coming past clearing the way, but when we could see lots of bright lights coming, Finley yelled, "I see it coming, Daddy!" Though we're pretty sure he didn't know what "it" was at that point.
Dan plopped Finley up on his shoulder for a great view and after the line of police motorcycles, Mayor Thomas Menino rolled by in a carriage!
The rest that followed was fairly typical, small town parade stuff: dancers, bands, kids in costumes, tricked out cars, emergency vehicles, etc. and Finley was totally into it.  We got tossed some beads from a FedEx Special Delivery truck and Finley wore his proudly.
In fact, we got lots of beads and Finley has been wearing his "neck-wiss" at home ever since.  He wears the blue one, I get to wear the purple one, and Dan gets the silver.  He even asked for his stuffed penguin, P, to wear a silver necklace, too. The celebration continues!

He liked hearing the drums in all the bands and seeing all sorts of different vehicles roll by.
 Dan's shoulders got a break towards the end of the parade and Finley got another glowing necklace!
 When it was over, we strapped Finley into the stroller with his necklaces and flashing flashlight and rolled behind the last few vehicles from the parade along with the rest of the crowd.  We somehow made it out and back towards the T station.  When we realized how late it had gotten, we figured we'd better eat downtown and then head back home.  Just as we were crossing the street to a popular burger joint, the city's fireworks began and we had a great view!  We were far enough away that you really couldn't hear the loud booms, but just enjoy the beautiful lights display--perfect for a toddler.

We shared some burgers and fries, but all in all Finley did not each that much as he was too busy watching all the other customers (including some policemen and even a "police-lady" that were picking up some burgers, too).
 A successful trip downtown to celebrate the arrival of 2012 was capped off with yet another train ride and Finley was in heaven as we headed home.
The evening turned out perfectly and while not finding a babysitter was disappointing at first, spending it as a family was just right. Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like such a fun evening! Now I want to check it out next year.
