Monday, January 9, 2012

Football's #1 Fan

Finley has become a HUGE Giants football fan.  So I ask you, is it nature or nurture?  Perhaps a combination of both, but the basic situation is that Finley loves tossing his football around, watching football on Sundays and celebrating Giants victories with his dad.  As you can imagine, this pleases Dan to no end!  The Giants snuck into the playoffs and the football season continued for the Forseters this weekend in the first round of the playoffs.  On Sunday morning, Dan asked that Finley wear his Eli Manning shirt and I happily obliged as I was getting the little pigskin fan dressed.  He ran into the kitchen to show his dad his shirt and was thrilled to see Dan wearing his blue Giants super bowl shirt.  Alas, I did not have mine on (more on that later).  I teased Finley that we should call him Eli and surprisingly, he was into it and requested this new name as we tossed the ball back and forth on the couch later.  "Finley's Eli" he said a few times!

To our joy, the game versus the Falcons was timed perfectly with Finley's nap, a 1pm game that would allow us both to watch and enjoy the game without having to entertain/supervise a toddler.  The game turned out to be quite excellent with a 24-2 victory for the G-men, but to his mild disappointment Finley woke up around 4pm with only a few minutes left in the game.  He crawled up onto the couch to watch the remaining minutes and was happy enough to see the end of the big win.    

However, after we ran some errands, we were back home and tempted to tune into the other playoff game (Denver vs Pittsburgh).  "Watch Giants football now, Daddy?" Finley asked.  We tried to explain that the Giants game was all done and it was a different game, but he didn't seem to care so we served him his dinner at a special spot in the living room.  This is what weekends are for, right?
He was tuned in and cheering for the exciting plays (he thought it was Eli instead of Tim Tebow throwing the ball, but who cares, right?)
 It was pretty funny to watch him intently eat and watch and then tune out, eat some more, then tune back in and so on and so on.  I asked him to show me a silly face and to my surprise (who knew he knew what silly meant?) he stuck his tongue out!
 So then I asked for a nice cheese smile--not bad little Eli, not bad at all!
The game next week is at 4pm, so Finley will probably be up and totally refreshed from his out Cheeseheads, Finley is out to get you!

Oh and as for the shirts, since Dan can be a bit superstitious--next week Dan and Finley will wear their same blue team shirts on Sunday and I won't be allowed to wear mine. Ug!

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