Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Romping Grounds

There are a handful of perks to Dan still playing competitive frisbee, but a recent one is that he had practice on a new local field where he spotted a neat place for Finley to play.  We popped by before lunch the other day and Finley showed off his a new trick.  Called "superman," Finley can go down backwards on his belly down the slide.  He watched some older boys doing real supermans at the park the other day and was fascinated.  A real superman would be going down face first on your belly, but our cautious toddler isn't quite ready for that so he found his own adaptation.
(he's saying bicycle at the end as some kids on bikes rolled into view)
 And to my great joy, Finley had decided he once again likes swinging!!  Especially when he gets to hold onto and toss a small airplane that he found on the ground :)
 The main attraction, in Dan's eyes, of this new playground was the gigantic tires stuck in the ground.  Finley wasn't so sure about them when we first got there, but when some other kids arrived and crawled all over them, he was pumped to try them out.

A proud papa!
Being nearly 80 degrees and sunny, it felt like one last burst of summer.  Finley's crocs and sunhat got a great last hurrah and Dan's team won the regional championship in gorgeous weather.   Oh...speaking of frisbee again, both Finley and Eliot (whose dad, Josh, coaches Dan's team) love running around during tournaments.  Throwing tennis balls, kicking soccer balls, playing Ring A Round the Rosie, sharing (and not sharing) snacks, tickling each other, and generally enjoying the sunshine.

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