Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wet and Wild

After a two week hiatus (who wants to go during school vacation week with all those stinky school aged kids??), Finley and I ventured back to the Children's Museum. Finley climbed the stairs himself today, which was great for my back and his level of excitement. By the time he got to the second floor, he was just bursting to explore. We popped into the water table room and to my delight, Finley found a ladle and got right to "work." With every 1/2 inch he gains in height, he gets that much closer to being able to actually reach the water and swish it around. This time, he found out how fun it is to scoop the water out and dump it overboard.
Love that grin!
He worked really hard to turn the ladle the right way in order to actually get some water to dump out. There were many failed attempts. His shirt and shoes got quite wet on the more successful tries. The best part: I got to just sit back and watch. He would turn and chat to me frequently, but then get back to his own thing. The only time he "needed" me was when he dropped the ladle into the water and couldn't get it back...maybe next time he'll be tall enough to reach in and grab it!

We spent so long in the water table room that there wasn't much time left before we had to skiddaddle, but I did make sure we stopped in the PlaySpace so Finley could get into "his" car for a few minutes.
He pressed the music buttons and jammed for a few minutes before he finally took the wheel!
After the car ride, we jetted down the stairs and ran into a student of mine who was thrilled to see Finley and me. He shouted to his mom, who was one floor below us, "MOM--ALLISON AND FINLEY ARE HERE!" and after a pause, "ALLISON AND FINLEY ARE RIGHT HERE!" It was hysterical, almost as funny as later when his mom said to me, "I don't think he ever thought about you being out in the world like he is!" We said our goodbyes and made our way to the car. Finley chatted all the way in the stroller and we were both laughing as I put him into the car. It's can be very hard to shut the door on this adorable face!
Another great trip to the museum, who knows what we'll discover next time!

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