Saturday, September 11, 2010

Finley Plays 9 Holes

Okay, technically 8 since the cannon doesn't count...but Finley, Dan, some Tufts friends, and I played some frisbee golf over Labor Day weekend. It was a shout out to our college days when Dan used to play many, many rounds. We took Finley to share the fun! It was a GORGEOUS day and Finley got to wear one of the rarest things in his wardrobe, something his dad picked out and had to buy!
My boys are looking good! First, they had to ro-sham (rock paper scissors) to figure out the playing order.
Finley had fun crawling around in the grass while we moved from hole to hole. That is, he had fun after realizing that the grass was edible and everywhere! Yikes!
After completing the round, we went to have lunch. We had packed Finley some food and not only did he inhale it all, but he enjoyed just sitting in his highchair and hanging out. Hooray for grown ups getting to eat with two hands for the entire meal :)
These pictures show Finley with his beloved hedgehog teething toy. He LOVES this guy and it is our go-to toy in the car, at the doctor's office, etc. He will hold onto it throughout the entire supermarket trip if necessary, pretty impressive. After lunch, we went home for a nice nap (Dan and I napped, too!). Many more rounds of frolf are in Finley's future, so it's nice that he enjoyed it so much.

A few other random photos from the long weekend:
Finley helping Dan pick out a new pillow at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
This turtle swam right over when Finley was near the glass!
Maybe next time, we'll skip the zoo and just go to the pet store...

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